Sunday, February 24, 2008


I like the eturn of the century New York homes I found at the picture collection. I imagine the overall estetic will be of that, since ranpa stopped working in 08 (even though he still makes a lot of money. It might have been very representive until he decided to just relax and do whatever pleased. After that the home became a collection of whatever was brouht in, not very much following fashieon. I think all things in there are functional in one way or another, but all have a carracter. Elements of orientalist furniture, the feeling of comfort, eccentrism, humor. I little tent/ cavelike in their "cluttered"-ness. The space will defenetly be a place where the different carracters fysically has manifested their personalities and creativity in the space. But also a scocial space, a evidence of succesfull cooperation and coexistence. Mother, Ed and Granpa with most defined effect on the room. Essie more all over. Paul and De penna downunder.

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